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Skills in Education

Before I was an English and math teacher, I worked in a grocery store and as a youth pastor.  With a degree in Broadcast Journalism in hand, I enjoyed a short internship at ABC Sports, but thought a teaching credential might also be handy to have; so I secured one and decided to run with the first kind of job that came along, knowing I could switch it up if I got tired of one or the other.


The teaching job came first and it took 37 years for me decide to hand in my roll book. Along the way, though, to keep the family fed and because it's so much fun to do, I regularly took freelance jobs as a writer, editor and marketing consultant and enjoyed work as a keynote speaker and  corporate trainer.


Beyond the classroom, where I taught all levels of English and Introductory Mathematics (yes, two credentials), I have undertaken administrative, leadership, and training roles at the site, district, county, and national levels. Most recently, I have supervised student teachers for a local university.


Wearing many skill hats over the years has been rewarding. I frequently find that one kind of job informs another, which is also rewarding. So if by chance, your needs include someone ready to leverage a long and varied career in education, I am your man.

Skills in Education Resume 


Online Education Program 


Online teacher training program 

Appearances in videos /scripted segments/ wrote web copy

Click logo above to see website

I'm on YouTube

I was invited to address the entire teaching staff of the Tustin Unified School District during professional development days at the start of the school year. Scrub through the video below for a taste of my thoughts about teachers and their classrooms.

Aerial View of a Pool
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